BSc (Hons)
Computing and Digital Technology

The course covers a range of topics in computing and digital technology, including the development of apps, tools, services and systems across multiple platforms and devices (desktop, mobile, tablet, smart systems, IoT and the Cloud).

Topics will include software development, data and databases, computer systems, computer networking, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, etc. Students will learn a variety of programming languages, e.g. C#, C++, Java, Python, etc., and development tools and such as Visual Studio, Android Studio and XCode, building industry-relevant skills that are in demand in across various industries. Our new Immersive XR Lab provides virtual, augmented and mixed reality technology including headsets, haptics, biometrics, and motion devices to enable you to explore cutting edge technology.

Usual Entry Requirements

UCAS Tariff: 96 points
A Level: CCC
Pearson BTEC
L3 National Ext. Diploma: MMM

See more information and exclusions here*

Please note, 120 credits must be achieved in order to progress to year two of your degree and a further 120 (totalling 240) credits must be achieved to progress to year three.

Additional Potential Costs:

While not strictly essential, as access to teaching and research lab facilities are often available outside of timetable sessions for each module, it is advisable to purchase a personal computer. The specifications for this would partly depend on the modules chosen and given the development of technology and changing value of equipment, it is not possible to place an exact cost. The course team and fellow students will be happy to discuss this with you.

Where certain modules are taken, students are advised to purchase a set of headphones to test audio and a gamepad to test input within their solutions. Other modules may require low-cost electronic prototyping equipment and components if you wish to experiment at home.

Other costs may include books if you wish to have your own copies averaging around £100 - £200 per year as well as visits to exhibitions/events; paper-based materials; and printing (although most work is submitted electronically).

Typical Module Diet

  • Coding, Prototyping and Internet of Things

    Projects, Testing and Performance

    Web Development

    Mobile and Smart Device Experiences

    Interaction and User Experience Design

    Principles of Computing

  • Multiuser Experiences

    Research Skills and Industry Engagement

    High-Level Programming for Experiences

    Smart Systems Development

    Computer Systems and Networking

    Database Systems

  • Final Project

    Reality, Immersion and Innovation

    Middleware, Tools and APIs

    Interactive Visualisation and AI


  • A wide variety of assessment methods are used on the course, including the creation of mobile apps, desktop applications, interactive experiences, prototypes, and IoT devices, depending on the options taken.

    In addition, assessments such as reports, portfolios, presentations, and exhibitions will enable you to present your ideas and demonstrate understanding of concepts.

Period of Study

Three Years Full-time

The University Studies at WSC Admissions Policy contains information on our English Language requirements.

Terms and Conditions can be found here.


£8,500 per year full-time
Click for information on securing student finance

Details of any incidental costs related on this course can be found on the course factsheet.

Study will be delivered at the University Studies and Professional Development Centre at West Suffolk College.

This degree programme is designed by University Studies and validated by the University of East Anglia, a top-25 UK University. The Degree is quality assured against national Quality Assurance Association benchmarks and regulated by the Office for Students.